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Monday, June 11, 2018

New BX Screen

I bought one of Hammerdog Games' landscape "World's Greatest Screens" a while back with the idea of designing a new one for my classic games. This is the result.

 The only tables on the player side are equipment costs, cleric turning, and thief skills.

Closer view of the custom art panel I made:

This was all done with open-source software. I copied the data for the tables into LibreOffice and then laid out the pages in Scribus. I exported the whole thing to PDF for printing. The images were tweaked a bit in GIMP. 

I'm not 100% sure about the readability of the tables' sizes, so I may lose the notes panel to allow for bigger table text.

EDIT: As per requests, here is a link to the pdf on my Google docs.

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